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You know, some people are born to be leaders and some are born to be followers (just for the record I don't believe that to be true). Not that being a follower is a bad thing. Most humans remain within their comfort zone their whole life, simply because it's safe.

But there are benefits working for yourself, being the BOSS. Benefits that you should take under consideration. Here are some things to keep in mind and to ask yourself.

1. DREAM. Most businesses spring from dreams that turn in to determination of what one want in life witch becomes the goal. Do you have a dream, is your dream realistic enough to become something more in life for you.

2. EXPLORE. Put it on paper, make it real to yourself. Ask yourself.

A. What do I have to offer

B. Is it something people need or will need in the future

C. What do I need to get started

D. Who do I know

3. TIME. You set the time. But to succeed you have to stick to your own set schedule.

4. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. The decisions are yours to make.

5. GOAL. Be clear of your business goal and set up milestones along the way.

Make shore to reach each one of those as you working towards your main goal. Stay on track.

6. START NETWORKING. You might not think so, but networking is important. There are numerous of networking opportunities out there. Take them. It might feel scary at first but there will be more people like you there hoping to make connections just like you.

7. SUCCEED. Surround yourself with successful people, turn to those that have succeed before you. Find yourself a mentor if you can. They already did the work, watch and learn.

8. TEAMWORK. You get to pick your coworkers and create the work environment. Pick carefully. Hire experts within their field and learn from them while building your company together.

9. YOUR THE EXPERT. You are the expert in your field, but never stop learning. Listen and take under consideration advice given to you from people that had success. Sometimes that can save you time and money.

10. MORE MONEY. Have a plan for when you start making money. Try to save on unnecessary expenses and build up as much capital as u can. This way the financial rot for you business gets secure from the start and you will have less headache down the road.

11. ENJOY WORK. Wake up to something you love doing every morning.

12. GET INVOLVED. Get to know the area around you and the community. Give back whenever you can. Gain trust and support. Word of mouth have always been powerful.

13. KEEP NETWORKING. Seminars and classes will help you grow as a business owner and boss. It will also help you stay motivated and on track.

14. RECOGNITION. Build your name and reputation.

15. INSPIRATION. Inspire others around you to pursue their dreams to. Become a role model.

16. FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. Delegate, but never let go. Stay informed about new developments and the business financials within your company. Make shore you understand whats being explained and my advice. Always read before you sign

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